Passage Plan
도선 계획
Passage Plan
Port of ULSAN
2021년 자료(Reference only, The newest version, Nov.2021)
2021년 자료(No more update, March 2021)
2019년 자료(All areas, No more update)

BUSAN Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 51 465 1651~4, www.busanpilot.co.kr, bspilot@kmpilot.or.kr

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

YEOSU Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 61 660 1333, www.yspilot.co.kr, yspilot3@hanmail.net

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

INCHEON Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 32 883 8111~4, www.incheonpilot.com, incpilot@kmpilot.or.kr

The Breakwater is under construction for new harbour, which is shown in dotted line on the chart extending to 36˚-05.3'N / 129˚-28.4'E, of which direction is 315˚

A fixed fishing net which consists of thick wires exists near 36˚-04.5'N / 129˚-31.0'EEvery vessel approaching or leaving Pohang shall have due regard to above obstructions and avoid them by as wide a margin as is practicable.

Every vessel approaching or leaving Pohang shall have due regard to above obstructions and avoid them by as wide a margin as is practicable.

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

Ulsan Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 52 261 7703, www.ulsanpilot.co.kr, uspilot@kmpilot.or.kr

SBM (VLCC) area : Route of passage will vary accoring to ambient condition at the time

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

PYEONGTAEK,DANGJIN Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 31 683 0036, www.ptpilot.co.kr, ptpilot1@daum.net

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

MASAN Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 55 222 2724, mspilot@kmpilot.or.kr

Careful attention must be reguired to the numberous fishing boats trowlling 500‾600meters long net by two boat from july to march all the area of passage way.

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

DAESAN Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 681 8717, www.dspilot.co.kr, dspilot@kmpilot.or.kr

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

POHANG Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 54 242 5221~2, phpilot2001@nate.com

The Breakwater is under construction for new harbour, which is shown in dotted line on the chart extending to 36˚-05.3'N / 129˚-28.4'E, of which direction is 315˚.

A fixed fishing net which consists of thick wires exists near 36˚-04.5'N / 129˚-31.0'E

Every vessel approaching or leaving Pohang shall have due regard to above obstructions and avoid them by as wide a margin as is practicable.

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

GUNSAN Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 63 445 4077, gspilot1@hanmail.net

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

MOKPO Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 61 245 3721, mokpilot@kmpilot.or.kr

When the visibility less than 1nm, all vessels are strongly recommended not to move in the MOKPOGU by harbour pilots.

Particular cares must be taken in the MOKPOGU and near THE HEAD OF DRAGON

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

DONGHAE Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 33 535 0172, dhpilot2324@hanmail.net

All vessels must keep watch on VHF CH12 or 16.

All vessels are requested to navigate with great caution to fishing net.

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.

JEJU Pilot office info. : Tel. +82 64 722-8586, jejupilot@kmpilot.or.kr

This pilotage passage plan will provide the information for helping safe pilotage by pilotage area to secure safe entry into or departure from ports as per Korean pilotage act Article 25. Please be noted that actual condition to differ from the plan.